Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Three things . . .

Good Tuesday morning to you. It is a beautiful day in Enid, America.

Three things for your consideration.

1. It is a beautiful day in Enid, America - except we need rain. I have posted a call to prayer on the Sojourning Pilgrim blog site. I hope that you will join me in praying for rain - petitioning God until we receive an answer.

2. Mark your calendars. I know that March 19 is the end of Spring Break, but I am requesting that all of us consider being back in town for that Sunday. I have asked Dr. Presnall Wood to preach for us that Sunday. Dr. Wood was my pastor in Houston during my "youth" years, and I suspect has been the single most influential person when it comes to what I think "ought" to go on in the pulpit each week.

3. Sorry it's later in the week, but I have just posted last Sunday's sermon.

4. I think we need to actively recruit other writers to this "Universe" blog. We have some other fine writers in our church, and I think we need to extend an invitation to them to join our little writing band.

Oh, well . . . that was four things. Long-winded preacher, don't you know.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another week in review

2006 just showed up a couple weeks ago and it's already whizzing by. In case you missed a couple of great post here's your chance to catch up!

Starting out at the Cornerstone Pulpit we are asked to look at how we reveal ourselves to others and to ourselves. But then to take things one step further, how does God reveal Godself to us? Here's my favorite line "One of the great mysteries of faith is God’s decision to reveal Godself to us. Were it not for God’s choice in the matter, you and I would know nothing of Almighty God." There's a lot more to that sermon so I urge you to check it out even if you have already heard it.

My second stop this weekend was atMike's Seedbed where earlier in the week he remembered going with his family to an African American church once a month and visiting these friends on the day that Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated and the impact it had on his life. Mike also talks about bosses and jobs that I'm looking forward to reading after I get done with this post.

Richard is excited about having a World Wide Minsitry but wonders why are there no bloggers in Antartica. Richard also has Miscelleneous thoughts on this beautiful Wednesday which are so varied I won't tell you all about them here. Just go check it out!

At Emmaus Theory there's a great link to see if you are Mensa Material. I'll be honest, I only got 15 questions right before I gave up. I guess I'm not a genius, but are you? Go take the test.

Gentle Warrior reminds me of someone I know. See if his post on Constitutional Principles reminds you of someone.

Ok, last but not least is me. This week I blogged about the year I would go back and live if I could, my search for a long lost friend, and my 5 pleasures from the RevGal Friday Five.

So there it is. Pontious is still MIA. Hopefully he will resume blogging again someday. If I've missed something please feel free to tell me about it in the comments or send me an email and I'll update the page.

See ya Sunday!

Friday, January 13, 2006

This Week in Review

Just in case you missed some of the really good stuff, here is another chance to go read up on what's going on in the lives contributors.

The first Sunday after Epiphany asked the great question Into What Were You Baptized. Later that day Leslee opened up her blog for the really "tough" questions.

J.D. instructed us to pray for rain. We did and we got snow. Though it was short lived it was enjoyed. Sojourning Pilgrim and Leslee both blog about it.

Don't miss out on Mike's funny funny blonde joke! It was the best I've ever heard!

The Tall Doctor needs to be encouraged to write more. You know, in all that spare time he has. I mean, how much WORK can a doctor really have to do?

Have a great weekend and we'll see you on Sunday! Be blessed!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Healing Snow

Oh Lord! You know just what we need. You always come to our rescue when we need you the most and even when don't realize we need you. You are most powerful and worthy of praise. Thank you, Father, for sending us snow. Our land was thirsty and so were we. Let the snow remind us of the promise you made to us. For Lord, your word says in Isaiah, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." Make us white as snow, Lord. Pure white though our sins have caused us to be scarlet. Thank you for always being there. For protecting us. For rescuing us. For LOVING us!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen.